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 Report of the Tulip Nomenclature Committee, 1914-1915: Class 7 - Darwin Tulips

Report of the
Tulip Nomenclature Committee, 1914-1915

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[For General Classification see p. 9. Names in italics are synonyms. The date of flowering given below and the duration of the flower are for the year 1915 and represent the order in which the varieties may be expected to flower rather than the exact date of flowering, which will vary from year to year; it will also vary according to the source and time of planting of the bulbs. The dates are taken, as a rule, from bulbs which had been grown for two years at Wisley and had been planted at the same time. The heights are measured from the same bulbs and are relative only.]

In this Class, as with the Cottage Tulips, an endeavour has been made to arrange the varieties as they might be in a border, so that they form a colour sequence grading off towards the sections above and below.

A well-known variety of tulip has been selected in each case as the "type" of the section. It is not necessarily the best, but it provides a name by which its section may be referred to.

Table of Contents for Darwin Tulips

Fig. 12 from the Report of the Tulip Nomenclature Committee, 1914-15: Darwin Tulip – Prof. Rawenhof. Fig. 13 from the Report of the Tulip Nomenclature Committee, 1914-15: Darwin Tulip – Isis Fig. 14 from the Report of the Tulip Nomenclature Committee, 1914-15: Darwin Tulip – Purple King. Fig. 15 from the Report of the Tulip Nomenclature Committee, 1914-15: Darwin Tulip – Berthold Schwartz

Darwin Tulip Coloration Patterns: Image Captions -- left to right: Figure 12: Darwin Tulip – 'Prof. Rawenhof', base blue, flushed with white. Figure 13: Darwin Tulip – 'Isis', base blue, white edged. Figure 14: Darwin Tulip – 'Purple King', base purple-black, with white line along segment margins Figure 15 Darwin Tulip – 'Berthold Schwartz', base white shading to rich blue Click images for larger versions.

a. Flower vermilion-scarlet.
Type, Isis

This section is composed of flowers of two types.

(1) Colour brilliant, e.g. ' Isis.'
(2) Colour dull, e.g. ' Orion.'

The flowers of Type 1 have, without exception, clear blue or blue- black bases ringed with white as in 'Isis' (Fig. 13). This base is associated with a white, six-rayed star on the outside of the flower, which varies in size with the size of the base. The filaments are blue or blue-black.

The flowers of Type 2 have circular dull blue bases, except that each blotch has a streak of white along the margins of the segment (Fig. 14). The outside of the flower has white segment-margins corresponding with those of the inside. Filaments blue or blue-black.

Prof. Oliver.—Type 2. Small, paler at margins of segments; 26 inches; May 7, 18 days.

King David. — Type 1. Of medium size; outer segments occasionally reflexed; 25 inches; May 6, 19 days.

Murillo.—Type 1. Small, very dark; 15 inches; May 7, 23 days.

John Fraser.—Type 1. Small, very like ' Murillo.'

Dr. Leyds.—Type 1. Small; base very dark; 24 inches; May 8, 20 days.

Pieneman.—Type 1. Small; base very dark, very like ' Dr. Leyds '; 22 inches; May 7, 17 days.

Adelina Patti.—Type 1. Small, very bright, remaining open; 27 inches; May 1, 21 days.

Burgomaster Fock.—Type 1. 29 inches; May 8, 17 days.

Parkinson.—Type 1. Medium size, very brilliant; 24 inches; May 3, 17 days.

Coquelin.—Type 1. Rather long; base small; 28 inches; May 10, 17 days.

Diana.—Type 1. Large; 32 inches; May 7, 19 days.

City of Haarlem.—Type 1. Large, not so bright as ' Isis,' of fine form and substance; 31 inches; May 8, 19 days.

Isis.—Type 1. Of very good substance, colour brilliant; 30 inches; May 4, 17 days (Fig. 13).

Whistler.—Type 1. Medium size; colour deep, outside with a dull bloom; 27 inches; May 5, 19 days.

Feu Brillant.—Type 1. Large, colour very bright; stem very strong; early; 30 inches; April 29, 20 days.

Orion.—Type 2. Large, remaining open; base small; stem very strong; 19 inches; May 6, 15 days.

Prince Eugen.—Type 1. Large, bold, colour very deep; 28 inches; May 7, 16 days.

Scarlet Beauty.—Type 1. Approaches egg shape, often slightly streaked with a darker shade; 31 inches; May 4, 19 days.

Claude Gillot.—Type 1. This variety is similar to ' Glow/ with which it is often confused. It has, however, a more violet-coloured, less clearly-defined base; 26 inches; May 6, 15 days.

Glow.—Type 1. Large, colour very bright; base very clearly defined, clear deep blue; 29 inches; May 6, 18 days.

Mars.—Type 1. Flower short, oxiter segments spreading; base not clearly defined, slaty black and white; 27 inches; May 4, 16 days.

Martino Capello.—Type 2. Flower dark, dull but brighter when open; 24 inches; May 3, 17 days.

Glory.—Type 2. Flower large, spreading; base pale; 24 inches; May 4, 16 days.

Ariadne.—Type 2. Large, long cup; base large, violet; 27 inches j May 5, 19 days.

Fire King.—Type 2. Small; base streaky; 25 inches; May 6, 18 days.

Flambeau.—Type 2. Flower short, with a round shoulder; base pale; 29 inches; May 4, 20 days.

Rev. H. H. D'Ombrain.—Type 1. Large; base very large; 25 inches; May 6, 15 days.

Potgeiter.—Type 1. In this variety the white base ring is reduced to two small white spots on the margin of each segment; 29 inches; May 10, 19 days.

Rev. Canon Ellacombe.—Type 1. Small, very deeply coloured; 26 inches; May 6, 18 days.

Anna.—Type 1. Small, segments spreading; base ring wide; 30 inches; May 6, 20 days.

Spring Beauty.—Type 1. Medium size; base blackish; 30 inches; May 5, 16 days.

Jacob Maris. — Type 1. Flower short; of great substance; 29 inches; May 8, 18 days.

Scarlet Perfection.—Type 1. Colour rather light, base pale; 33 inches; May 6, 18 days.

Fireball.—Type 1. Of medium size, rounded; 26 inches; May 3, 17 days.

General Boulanger.—Type 1. Small to medium size; 20 inches; May 8, 15 days.

Teddy.—Type 1. Large, colour rather dull; base with broad ring 5 34 inches; May 8, 16 days.

Esato.—Type 1. Colour very deep; base large; 30 inches; May 7, 17 days.

Emma.—Type 2. Small, outer segments reflexed, saccate at base; stem weak; 20 inches; May 5, 15 days.

Minnesota.—Type 2. Base pale, greyish; 23 inches; May 6,18 days.

Minister Röell.—Type 1. Flower large, colour very deep; base slaty blue; 29 inches; May 6, 18 days.

Marianne.—Type 2. Large; base large, dull. (Conf.)

Bucephalus.—Type 1. Short; outer segments reflexed; 26 inches; May 7, 17 days.

George Sand.—Type 1. Small, dull; base black and white. (Conf.)

Ouida.—Type 1. Large; base pale; 29 inches; May 6, 19 days.

Dodoens.—Type 1. Large; base slaty black and white; 25 inches; May 6, 18 days.

H. J. Elwes.—Type 1. Of medium size, rather dull; 25 inches; May 7, 18 days.

Michelin.—Type 1. Form fair, colour very deep; 21 inches; May 4, 14 days.

Torchlight = Flambeau, q.v.

Nerine = Spring Beauty, q.v.

b. Flower cochineal-red.
Type, Farncombe Sanders.

This section is composed of flowers of four types, according to their base.

(1) Base circular or slightly starry blue.
(2) Base circular or slightly starry blue, except that each blotch has a white streak along the margin of each segment; Fig. 14.
(3) Base circular, or slightly starry blue, each blotch having a spreading white mark along the margin of each segment; Fig. 12.
(4) Base circular or somewhat like Fig. 20, with a narrow blue or purplish margin.

These subdivisions may be considered as representing successive increases in the white streaks on the margins of the segments. Outside white, corresponding to the white region on the base.

Filaments blue, except in a few cases in Type 4.

North Dakota.—Type 4. Small, of very good substance; stem stout; 25 inches; May 8, 16 days.

Medusa.—Type 2. Colour bright; base pale blue, sometimes also slightly striped with white; 30 inches; May 8, 16 days.

Professor Rauwenhof.—Type 3. Large, refined; 29 inches; May 6, 16 days. (Fig. 12.)

Queen of Brilliants.—Type 4. Bright; filaments only tinged with blue; 25 inches; May 5, 16 days.

Princess Juliana.—Type 3. Shapely, rounded shoulder; 29 inches; May 6, 18 days.

Farncombe Sanders.—Type 4. Large, refined; colour of a very brilliant shade peculiar to this variety; 30 inches; May 6,17 days.

Van Poortvliet.—Type 1. Large, short; outside very dark; 29 inches; May 8, 16 days.

Europe.—Type 4. Medium size, refined; base clear white; filaments white; 26 inches; May 5, 20 days. (Fig. 20.)

Cochineal.—Type 4. A variety very like ' Europe/ but the base is more circular; 31 inches; May 10, 20 days.

Salmon King.—Type 4. Colour good; base white, with a narrow, faint purplish margin; 26 inches; May 6, 20 days.

Hitchcock.—Type 2. Large, long; segments somewhat pointed; shoulder rounded; stem rather weak; 37 inches; May 5, 15 days.

Crépin.—Type 3. Rounded shoulder; base small; 24 inches; May 6, 19 days.

Dora Silberrad.—Type 1. Stem weak; 23 inches; May 6, 19 days.

Pomona.—Type 4. Flower short, small, rounded shoulder; filaments blue above the middle; 25 inches; May 6, 19 days.

Pallas.—Type 1. Rather light colour. (Conf.)

Cyrano di Bergerac.—Type 2. Small; outer segments saccate at base; base small; 27 inches; May 7, 18 days.

Feuerfackel.—Type 1. Small; colour bright; outer segments reflexed; 25 inches; May 6, 19 days.

J. G. Baker.—Type 1. Medium size, well open; stem rather slender; 29 inches; May 6, 16 days.

Prince George.—Type 4. Small, colour clear; filaments white; 24 inches; May 8, 16 days.

Etna.—Type 1. Large, very square shoulder; base dull; stem coloured; 29 inches; May 4, 17 days.

A. J. Salter.—Type 4. Medium size; base ring purplish blue; 30 inches; May 8, 20 days.

President Perrier.—Type 2. Outer segments reflexed at the tips; rounded shoulder; base bright; 26 inches; May 3, 18 days.

Calypso.—Type 4. Segments rather narrow; base margin faint; 29 inches; May 6, 16 days.

Professor Michael Foster.—Type 2. Large, colour bright; 33 inches; May 5, 19 days.

Martados de Mardoc.—Type 1. Very dull outside; 27 inches; May 6, 17 days.

Professor Francis Darwin.—Type 1. A shapely rounded flower, open in even the dullest weather; 30 inches; May 5, 20 days.

Mandranassa.—Type 2. Large, very bright inside; base small; 27 inches; May 7, 18 days.

Paul Kruger.—Type 2. Tips of the outer segments reflexed; 28 inches; May 7, 18 days.

W. A. Viruly-Verbrugge.—Type 2. Medium size, opening well; colour soft; stem very stout; 25 inches; May 6, 19 days.

Bartigon.—Type 4. A shapely flower of good substance and colour; stem strong; base ring broad, deep blue; 31 inches; May 8, 20 days.

King George V.—Type 2. Flower short, rounded shoulder; colour very bright; 25 inches; May 6,16 days.

Henri Vilmorin.—Type 3. Rounded shoulder; base very blue; 25 inches; May 3, 14 days.

Canossa.—Type 2. Large; outer segments reflexed; filaments blackish; 32 inches; May 6,19 days.

Laurentia.—Type 2. Rounded shoulder, colour very bright; base with a narrow blue margin; 26 inches; May 5, 20 days.

Von Deffregger.—Type 2. Large, colour good; 29 inches; May 8, 18 days.

Wagner.—Type 1. Loose, fading with exposure; base paler; 25 inches; May 6, 19 days.

Menelik.—Type 3. Segments reflexing to a very flattened flower, triangular in outline; 31 inches; May 5, 20 days.

Nova Scotia.—Type 4. Small, colour clear; 24 inches; May 10, 14 days

.Louise de la Vallière.—Type 2. Tips of the outer segments re- flexed, rounded shoulder; 2 inches; May 8, 17 days.

Professor Sargent.—Type 2. Small; segments saccate at base, dark and dull outside; 25 inches; May 6, 16 days.

Maître Partout.—Type 2. A vigorous variety, flower large, shoulder rounded; 30 inches; May 6, 22 inches.

Adolphe van den Heede.—Type 3. Outer segments a little re- flexed, rounded shoulder; 27 inches; May 7, 16 days.

G. de Cordons.—Type 1. Colour very bright, flower opening well; base good; 30 inches; April 30, 21 days.

William Pitt.—Type 2. Large, long; base dull; 27 inches May 4, 17 days.

King of the Reds = J. G. Baker, q.v.

Lord Duncan = Barrigon, q.v.

Minister Tak van Poortvliet = Van Poortvliet, q.v.

Sweetheart = Princess Juliana, q.v.

c. Flower cerise.
Type, Pride of Haarlem.

This section is composed of flowers which, with five exceptions, have circular, blue bases, except that each blotch has a streak of white along the margins of the segments (Fig. 14). Filaments blue. The exceptions are dealt with individually in the descriptions.

Pride of Haarlem.—A very vigorous variety; flower large, well formed, opening well, rounded shoulder; 30 inches; April 29, 21 days.

Petras Hondius.—Large, rounded shoulder; segments often dentate; 24 inches; May 4, 17 days.

Mme. Schneider.—Large. (Conf.)

Tollens.—Small, opening well; base pale; 31 inches; May 7, 15 days.

Phociea.—Large, colour dull; base large; 25 inches; May 6, 15 days.

Robert Manning.—Base streaky; 25 inches; May 7, 17 days. The First.—Small; base dull, slaty; 25 inches; May 5, 16 days.

Mrs. H. Ward.—Small; base white, splashed with blue; 22 inches; May 3, 18 days.

Mattia.—Bold, large, colour very bright inside; 34 inches; May 6, 16 days.

Princess Mary.—Shapely, of good substance; 35 inches; May 10, 20 days.

Henry Lyte.—Colour dull, paler at the margins of the segments; 27 inches; May 7, 15 days.

Louis Cusin.—Somewhat pointed; base very bright blue. (Conf.)

Julia.—Egg shape, pale at margins of the segments; 28 inches; May 7, 15 days.

Bijou.—Shapely, good substance; 31 inches; May 15, 16 days.

Comtesse de Fresnay.—Small, egg shape; 36 inches; May 11, 17 days.

Alata.—Long, shoulder rounded; base large, each blotch having a white streak along the margin of each segment; 27 inches; May 8, 17 days.

Alexis.—Large, paler at the margins of each segment; base greyish, dull; 23 inches; May 4, 20 days.

Prince of the Netherlands.—Large, opening well; outer segments reflexed; base dull; 28 inches; May 6, 19 days.

Souvenir de Carnot.—Outer segments reflexed, colour deep; base dull; 26 inches; May 6, 19 days.

General Köhler.—Short, shoulder rounded; 26 inches; May 6, 15 days.

Duke of Portland.—Large, shoulder rounded; colour bright; 27 inches; May 5, 16 days.

Scylla.—Large, opening almost flat; base dull; 28 inches; May 3, 18 days.

Carmínea.—Outer segments rather short, reflexed; base circular, blue; 29 inches; May 6, 19 days.

Starlight.—Small, colour bright; May 8, 14 days.

Apollo.—24 inches; May 4, 21 days.

Princess Amalia.—A cup-shaped flower, colour bright; 23 inches; May 5, 17 days.

Henry Conscience.—Shape good; base circular, greyish; 27 inches; May 10, 19 days.

Feu d'Artifice.—Outer segments short, colour dull, much deeper outside; 27 inches; May 6, 19 days.

Hecuba.—Small, poor form; 20 inches; May 10, 18 days.

Mme. de Tavernier.—Medium size, poor form; base white, with a blue ring; 27 inches; May 6, 21 days.

Asa Gray.—Outer segments reflexed, colour deep; 27 inches; May 6, 19 days.

Rubens.—Small, outer segments spreading, colour dull outside; 29 inches; May 7, 18 days.

Galatea.—Large, of good substance, colour very deep outside; 32 inches; May 6, 19 days.

Giovanni.—Small; base dull, slaty; 26 inches; May 6, 19 days.

Carlos.—Base large; filaments blue-black; 26 inches; May 8, 18 days.

Sir Walter Scott.—Colour dull, paler at the margins of each segment; 27 inches; May 6, 18 days.

Madrazza.—Medium size; 27 inches; May 6, 18 days.

Madame Bosboom Toussaint = Carmínea, q.v.

d. Flower magenta.
Type, William Goldring.

The flowers of this section are characterized by more rounded shoulders than those of the preceding classes. They fall into three types, according to their bases.

(1) Base circular, blue except that each blotch has a slight white streak on margins of each segment. (Fig; 14.)
(2) Base circular, blue except that each blotch has a spreading white streak on the margins of the segment. (Fig. 12.)
(3) Base circular, blue with a white region as in Fig. 15.

As in section b, these bases may be considered as representing successive increases in the white base margins. Outside white, corresponding to the white region of the base. Filaments blue or white tinged blue.

William Goldring.—Type 3. Large, well shaped, good substance; filaments tinged; 28 inches; May 3, 18 days.

Berthold Schwartz.—Type 3. Good cup-shape; tips of segments very regular; base bright; 25 inches; May 4, 21 days. (Fig. 15.)

The Shah.—Short, good form; 29 inches; May 3, 21 days.

Miranda.—Type 1. The form of ' Professor Francis Darwin ' (VII. b); colojir bright, filaments blue; 27 inches; April 30, 20 days.

Princess Alice.—Type 3. Form good; colour very deep. (Conf.)

Verdi.—Type 1. 24 inches; May 14, 17 days.

Oliver Goldsmith.—Type 1. Colour very bright, filaments violet. Closely resembles ' Kentucky '; 26 inches; May 3, 19 days.

Vanity.—Type 2. Large; base very blue; 23 inches; May 5, 17 days.

Bussy Rabutin.—Type 2. Segments broad, outer reflexed; base dull, filaments white; 21 inches; May 4, 17 days.

Burbidge.—Type 1. Long, deep flower; base dull; 31 inches; May 8, 22 days.

Herta.—Type 1. Opens well; tips of segments broad, level, colour lighter; 28 inches; April 30, 20 days.

Van Berghem.—Opens well; base variable, often very pale around the ovary; 24 inches; May 6, 16 days.

Admiral Jellicoe.—Type 1. Large; base dull, speckled white; filaments blue. (Conf.)

Thorbecke.—Type 2. Form good, colour deep; base dark, yellowish round the ovary; filaments blackish; 31 inches; April 30, 21 days.

Grossi.—Type 1. Base large, rather cloudy; 24 inches; May 3, 18 days.

Emily.—Type 1. Below medium size; filaments blue-black; 27 inches; May 5, 20 days.

Kentucky.—Type 1. Form good, colour very bright; base rather dull, filaments blue; 26 inches; May 3, 21 days.

Admiral Togo.—Type 2. Long, deep flower, shapely; filaments violet-black; 26 inches; May 3,19 days.

The International.—Type 1. Cup-shape, open, shapely; colour deep and bright; base rather pale; 27 inches; May 3, 16 days.

Andromaque.—Type 1. Large; base ill-defined; filaments deep blue; 31 inches; May 5, 20 days.

Descartes.—Type 3. Large; stem very stout; 32 inches; May 5, 16 days.

Blue Eye.—Type 1. Below medium size; base bright, filaments blue; 24 inches; May 6, 16 days.

Beatrice.—.Type 1. Below medium size, dull; 24 inches; May 3, 17 days.

G. F. Wilson.—Type 1. Base streaky, filaments black; 19 inches; May 3, 17 days.

Rufus.—Type 1. Base small, very deep blue; 23 inches; May 3, 16 days.

John Lee.—Type 1. Base very large, filaments greenish; 23 inches; May 6, 15 days.

Georgia.—Type 3. Outer segments spreading; colour rather pale; 28 inches; May 6, 15 days.

William Paul.—Type 2. Base creamy; 33 inches; May 3, 20 days.

Ruby Queen = Admiral Togo, q.v.

Tara = William Goldring, q.v.

Fig. 6 from the Report of the Tulip Nomenclature Committee, 1914-15; Darwin Tulip - Sieraad van Flora

e. Flower pale magenta.
Type, Centenaire.

The colour of the flowers of this section is often described as "rose," but it is of a harder tone than can be admitted under that term. With a few exceptions, which are treated separately in the descriptions, the bases are of a more or less circular indeterminate blue and white rayed type, of which that represented in Fig. 6 may be taken as an average.

Image Caption: Fig. 6; Darwin Tulip - 'Sieraad van Flora', base blue, white raved.

Adèle Sandrock.—Large flower, tinted apricot at the margins of the segments;' base creamy, with a blue ring; 24 inches; May 6, 15 days.

Theodor Jerisson.—Medium size, good substance, purplish base; 30 inches; May 6, 16 days.

Washington.—Large segments; rather thin, base as that in Fig. 12; 28 inches; May 6, 15 days.

Village Maid.—Form good; 29 inches; May 8,14 days. Koningin Emma. (Conf.)

Hoola van Nooten.—Large; base large, white, with a broad, diffuse, pale blue margin; filaments white; 29 inches; May 7, 18 days.

Edison.—Large, loose; base as in Fig. 20 with a pale blue margin, filaments blue at apex; 27 inches; May 5, 17 days.

Richard Owen.—Form fair, base as in Fig. 20 with pale blue margin. (Conf.)

James Douglas.—Rather more pointed than is usual in Darwins; filaments tinged blue; 31 inches; May 4, 17 days.

Mississippi.—Colour deep, rather streaky; base as in Fig. 20, with a pale blue margin; 29 inches; May 5, 15 days.

Emanuel Sweerts.—Form good; base as in Fig. 20, with a blue margin; filaments tinged blue; 24 inches; May 7, 19 days.

Amor.—Of good substance; base as in Fig. 20; filaments tinged blue; 22 inches; May 3, 18 days.

Velimbrose.—Filaments blue above the middle; 31 inches; May 8, 16 days.

Centenaire.—Large, well formed; base dull; filaments pale blue, rather irregular in height; 29 inches; May 3, 17 days.

Longfellow.—Medium size, fair form; base large, irregular, white, with a blue margin; filaments blue; 24 inches; May 5, 16 days.

Max Leichtlin.—Medium size, rather short. (Conf.)

Early Dawn.—Large; filaments blue; 27 inches; May 7, 13 days.

Nauticus.—Form refined, substance good; base slightly stained green; filaments black; 26 inches; May 4, 17 days.

Carmen.—Large, margins of the segments paler; base stained green; filaments black; 30 inches; May 4, 17 days.

La Fiancée.—Large, open, with a soft satiny sheen, pale at the margins of the segments; 25 inches; May 6, 15 days.

Hugo de Vries.—Colour deep in the upper part of each segment, paler below and inside; base circular, pale blue; filaments blue; 27 inches; May 5, 20 days.

La Robuste.—Large; filaments tinged; 21 inches; May 10,15 days.

Leonora.—Small; base white, with a blue ring (Fig. 16); 21 inches; May 4, 20 days.

Maiden Rose.—Medium size. (Conf.)

Alabama.—Large, colour streaky; base large, dull; filaments blue; 27 inches; May 4, 17 days.

William Copland.—Oval, shapely, colour dull; base circular, with a blue ring (Fig. 16); filaments blue; 26 inches; April 30, 20 days.

Plurot.—Deep cup-shape, regular; base white, with a faint irregular blue ring; filaments blue above the middle; 25 inches; May 10, 15 days.

Meteor.—Large, form good; 25 inches; May 15, 14 days.

Buffon.—Square shoulder, deep colour, abruptly passing to a pale margin on each segment; base diffuse, very pale; filaments grey; 28 inches; May 3, 18 days.

Albert Kellogg = Early Dawn, q.v.

d'Aubigny = Washington, q.v.

Haarlem = Carmen, q.v.

Sir Edward Grey = Nauticus, q.v.

Sweet Lavender = William Copland, q.v.

The Bride = La Fiancée, q.v.

Fig. 16 from the Report of the Tulip Nomenclature Committee, 1914-15: Darwin tulip – Auber. Fig. 17 from the Report of the Tulip Nomenclature Committee, 1914-15: Darwin Tulip – Anthony Roozen. Fig. 18 from the Report of the Tulip Nomenclature Committee, 1914-15: Darwin Tulip – Baron van Goldtstein. Fig. 19 from the Report of the Tulip Nomenclature Committee, 1914-15: Darwin Tulip –Bleu Aimable.

Darwin Tulip Coloration Patterns: Image Captions -- left to right: Figure 16: Darwin tulip – 'Auber'. Base blush purple, white edged. Figure 17: Darwin Tulip – 'Anthony Roozen', base white, flushed blue. Figure 18: Darwin Tulip – Baron van Goldtstein, base black. Figure 19 Darwin Tulip – Bleu Aimable. Click images for larger versions.

Fig. 20 from the Report of the Tulip Nomenclature Committee, 1914-15: Darwin Tulip – Europe, base white. Fig. 21 from the Report of the Tulip Nomenclature Committee, 1914-15: Darwisn Tulip – Clara Butt.

Darwin Tulip Coloration Patterns: Image Captions -- left to right: Figure 20: Darwin Tulip – 'Europe', base white. Figure 21: Darwin Tulip – 'Clara Butt'. Click images for larger versions.

f. Flower rose.
Type, Edmée.

A large section composed of flowers of two kinds:—

(a) Segments with paler margins (e.g. Edmée).
(ß.) Segments without paler margins (e.g. Sieraad van Flora).

They fall into three types, according to their bases, the majority in (1).

(1) Base circular, white, with a more or less well-marked pale blue ring; Fig. 17.
(2) Base white, of the shape represented in Fig. 20.
(3) Base more or less circular, indeterminate, blue and white rayed; that represented in Fig. 6 may be taken as an average.

a. Segments with paler margins.

Coquette.—Type1. Small; 31 inches; May 8, 18 days.

Sylvia.—Type 1. Form good; filaments white; 32 inches; May 6, 21 days.

Landelle.—Type 1. Refined form, good substance; 28 inches; May 8, 17 days.

Edmée.—Type 1. Form and substance good, shoulder square, colour deep; filaments white, with a blue tip; 30 inches; May 6, 18 days.

Mme. Raven.—Type 1. A variety very similar to 'Edmée,'but inferior in colour and substance; 26 inches; May 10,15 days.

Beethoven.—Type 1. Form good; filaments white; 28 inches; May 8, 14 days.

Gustave Doré.—Type 1. Slightly paler, smaller and less distinct base, but very like Edmée; 31 inches; May 7, 17 days.

Ptzepios.—Type 1. An inferior variety; flower small; filaments tinged blue; 27 inches; May 4, 20 days.

Aida.—Type 1. Form long; substance good; base creamy; 26 inches; May 7, 19 days.

Hesperia.—Type 1. Identical with ' Gustave Doré ' except that it is slightly paler, the base has a wider blue ring, and the filaments are blue at the apex; 27 inches; May 6, 15 days.

Jonkheer Schorer.—Type 1. Dull in colour; 30 inches; May 8, 16 days.

Beyerinck.—Type 1. Form good; base dull; 23 inches; May 16, 15 days.

Ant. Roozen.—Type 1. A bold flower of good form; filaments stained blue; 26 inches; May 3, 17 days. (Fig. 17.)

Baronne de la Tonnaye.—Type 2. Well formed; large; filaments violet at apex; 30 inches; May 8, 17 days.

Mme. Richebourg.—Type 2. 25 inches; May 6, 18 days.

Calistre.—Type 2. Paler than but very like ' Baronne de la Tonnaye '; 29 inches; May 7, 17 days.

Calliope.—Type 2. Smaller but otherwise identical with ' Calistre '; 27 inches; May 7, 17 days.

Mme. Krelage.—Type 2. Large, good substance; base greyish; filaments blue at apex; 34 inches; May 5, 19 days.

Cabanel.—Type 2. Large, colour deep outside; base dull; filaments white; 29 inches; May 8, 16 days.

George Maw.—Type 2. Small; base pale; filaments white; 29 inches; May 6, 15 days.

Princesse Elisabeth.—Type 2. Form and substance good; base clearly defined; 29 inches; May 6, 18 days.

Queen Mary.—Type 3. A variety similar to but slightly darker than ' Bijou '; 27 inches; May 10, 12 days.

Bijou.—Type 3. Rather small; form and substance good; 31 inches; May 8, 17 days.

Mme. Barrois.—Type 3. Rather long; outer segments reflexed, rapidly paling with age; filaments blue above the middle; 26 inches; May 7, 17 days.

Louis Mimmerel.—Type 3. Shallow, wide open; filaments deep blue; 25 inches; May 8, 16 days.

Rev. Harpur Crewe.—Type 3. Form and substance good; filaments white; 27 inches; May 7,17 days.

Alexander Dickson.—Type .3. Small, shape good, colour soft; filaments tinged blue above the middle; 28 inches; May 8, 18 days.

Oregon.—Type 1. Colour deep and dull; filaments blue at the apex; 29 inches; May 6,19 days.

Cupido.—Type 1. Medium size, of rather poor substance; base tinged with purple; 28 inches; May 11, 15 days.

Julie King.—Type 3. Small, dull; filaments tinged blue; 28 inches; May 7, 21 days.

ß. Segments without paler margins.

Lilith.—Type 1. Filaments white; 24 inches; May 6, 17 days.

Venus.—Type 1. Large, good form and substance; filaments tinged; 28 inches; May 5, 16 days.

Amy. (Shown at Conference as ' Anna ', but name subsequently changed to avoid confusion with a scarlet variety of that name.) —Type 1. Small, form good; filaments white. (Conf.)

Ronner Kuip.—Type 1. Colour rather pale; base dull; filaments pale blue; 27 inches; May 8, 13 days.

Loveliness.—Type 2. Medium size, short cup, round shoulder; base and filaments very clean, colour clear; 23 inches; Mays, 17 days.

Queen of Roses.—Type 3. Small, colour dull; filaments blackish; 25 inches; May 7, 17 days.

Miss T. White.—Type 3. Small; filaments tinged blue; 21 inches; May 7,14 days.

Massachusetts.—Type 3. Large cup; filaments creamy, tinged blue at apex; 29 inches; May 6, 18 days.

Thomas Gray.—Type 3. Colour clear; filaments blue; 24 inches; May 7, 13 days.

Le Cid.—Type 3. Colour dull; filaments greyish; 29 inches; May 10, 14 days.

Sieraad van Flora.—Type 3. Large, opening well, substance good; base large; 27 inches; April 29, 20 days. (Fig. 6.)

James Mackintosh.—Type 3. Flower of the form of ' Professor Francis Darwin' (VII. b); filaments pale blue; 29 inches; May 5, 16 days.

Rosa.—Type 3. Form and substance good, colour pale; 27 inches; May 8, 13 days.

Rose Tendre.—Type 3. Large, opens well, colour rather pale; 23 inches; May 6, 18 days.

Dandy.—Type 1. Small, closed, margins slightly flushed with blue; base diffuse, creamy; 25 inches; May 8, 13 days.

Aphrodite.—Type 3. Large, segments somewhat crumpled; 36 inches; May 15, 13 days.

Lonna.—Type 3. Large, form very good, paler in the upper part of each segment, tips of the outer segments reflexed; 24 inches; May 6, 18 days.

Parthenope.—Type 1. Small; 21 inches; May 7, 14 days.

Lenôtre.—Type 3. Large; base large, dull; 26 inches; May 3, 21 days.

Flora's Ornament = Sieraad van Flora, q.v.

Julie Virnot = Princesse Elisabeth, q.v.

Marcellus Emants = Queen of the Roses, q.v.

Queen Flora = Sieraad van Flora, q.v.

Salmon Queen = Landelle, q.v.

Superbe = Alexander Dickson, q.v.

g. Flower pale rose.
Type, Fanny.

This section is subdivided according to whether the margins are paler than the rest of the segment or not, and the flowers fall into two types, according to their bases.

(1) Base circular, white, with a more or less well-marked pale blue ring (Fig. 17).
(2) Base more or less circular, indeterminate blue and white rayed; that represented by Fig. 6 may be taken as an average.

Two flowers have white bases of the form represented in Fig. 20.

a. Segments with paler margins.

Ethel Roosevelt.—Type 1. Long, with a rounded shoulder, pale margins broad; filaments tipped with blue at the apex; 31 inches; May 6, 19 days.

Fanny.—Type 1. Long, rather pointed; outer segments reflexed at tips; filaments blotched blue at the base; 21 inches; April 30, 20 days.

Lizzie.—Type 1. Medium size, form and substance good; 27 inches; May 7, 17 days.

Salmonea.—Type 1. Egg shape, very broad at the base, colour deeper at the middle of each segment; 18 inches; May 5, 17 days.

Roxane.—Type 1. Base tinged green, and filaments yellowish; 24 inches; May 3, 17 days.

Marc Michéli.—Type 2. Large; 30 inches; May 4, 17 days. Suzon.—Type 2. Form and substance good, margins of segments very pale; 28 inches; May 6, 15 days.

Sophrosyne.—Type 2. Pale, margins of the segments tinged with flesh colour; filaments blue; 21 inches; May 7, 22 days.

ß. Segments without paler margins.

Saes.—Type 1. Flower small, filaments blue; 29 inches; May 6, 15 days.

Rose Queen.—Type 1. Outer segments incurved at margins, colour deeper at tip of each segment; 30 inches; May 3, 18 days.

Psyche.—Type 1. Rather large; base creamy, filaments white; 32 inches; May 4, 17 days.

Flamingo.—Type 1. Long, shoulder rounded; filaments white; 25 inches; May 6, 18 days.

Pauline.—Type 1. Small; 25 inches; May 6, 15 days.

Rev. E. Bourne.—Type 1. Small, colour deep; filaments tinged blue; 22 inches; May 8, 16 days.

Mrs. Stanley.—Type 2. Bold, form good; base colour clear; 27 inches, May 3, 17 days.

President Wilson.—Type 2. Large, very pale outside; 31 inches; May 10, 18 days

Gelery Larate.—Type 2. Dull; 28 inches; May 7, 15 days.

Massenet.—Type 1. Short, with an ugly square shoulder; base blue-black and white stained with yellow; filaments blue-black; 26 inches; May 6, 18 days.

Texas.—Type 1. A large flower resembling ' Psyche/ but paler and with a weak stem; 32 inches; May 3, 17 days.

Duchesse de Mouchy.—Type 2. Short, good cup, inside very pale pink; base white, of the form in Fig. 20; 27 inches; May 17, 13 days.

Mlle. Prévet.—Type 2. The form of ' Loveliness ' (VII. f), but much paler in colour; base and filaments as in that variety; 24 inches; May 6, 18 days.

New Hampshire.—Type 2. Colour pale and dull; 17 inches; May 3, 17 days.

Pales = Saes, q.v.

Prima Donna = Ethel Roosevelt, q.v.

The Dove = Massenet, q.v.

h. Flower salmon-pink.
Type, Clara Butt.

A small section which cannot be subdivided.

Clara Butt.—Form refined, substance good, colour soft and very pleasing; base white, with a small blue-grey blotch on each segment; 23 inches; May 6, 16 days. (Fig. 21.)

Maiden's Blush.—Of fair substance, paler at the margins of each segment; base white, with a large blue blotch on each segment (Fig. 16); 26 inches; May 6, 15 days.

Baron van Goldtstein.—Large, pale and dull outside; base large, of the form shown in Fig. 18; filaments blue; 27 inches; May 6, 15 days.

Mme. Lethiery.—Form good, deep rose-pink, flushed with salmon at the outside margin and on the whole of the inside of each segment; base yellowish near the ovary, passing to a greenish-black ring; 25 inches; May 4, 16 days.

Yolande.—Long, shoulder rounded, deep rose-pink, heavily flushed with salmon; base as in Fig. 20, yellowish; filaments yellowish; 23 inches; May 6, 14 days.

Orange Perfection.—Medium size, of good substance, deep rose- pink inside, flushed with salmon; base blue and white, of the form shown in Fig. 14; 32 inches; May 15, 13 days.

Duchess of Westminster = Yolande, q.v.

Major Mason = Maiden's Blush, q.v.

Fig. 7 from the Report of the Tulip Nomenclature Committee, 1914-15: Cottage Tulip – Scarlet Emperor.

i. Flower crimson-maroon.
Type, King Harold.

The flowers of this section are darker colour forms of those in Section a. Not only do the flowers possess the uniformly square shoulder of those of that section, but the bases are of the same types as in that section. Furthermore, those with the base represented in Fig. 13 are more brightly coloured than those with that represented in Fig. 14. Filaments blue or blue-black. There are two exceptions with white bases of the form repre- sented in Fig. 7, dealt with individually in the descriptions.

Image Caption: Cottage Tulip – 'Scarlet Emperor', base rich yellow.

Jupiter.—Type 1. Large, form and substance fair, colour light; 20 inches; May 10, 12 days.

President Taft.—Type 1. Form and substance good, dusky outside; 26 inches; May 6, 15 days.

Harry Veitch.—-Type 1. Form and substance good; base sharply defined, good blue; 22 inches; May 4, 17 days.

Victoire d'Oliveira.—Type 1. Identical with ' Harry Veitch ' except that the base is slaty black; 23 inches; May 6, 16 days.

Dido.—Type 2. Base slaty black and white; 31 inches; May 10, 15 days.

Appelais.—Type 2. 19 inches; May 7, 14 days.

Dr. Ariens.—Type 1. Opening well; 26 inches; May 6, 15 days.

Uncle Sam.—Type 2. Small; 24 inches; May 5, 16 days.

De Sacy.—Type 2. Form and substance good; base dull, blackish; 31 inches . May 10, 16 days.

Mr. Kolkman.—Type 1. Small; 20 inches; May 6, 15 days.

Marcella.—Type 1. Form good, colour bright, opening well; base violet and black; 28 inches; May 4, 17 days.

Leopold de Rothschild.—Type 1. Large, opening to a triangular outline; 29 inches; May 6, 14 days.

Sir Joseph Hooker.—Type 1. Short, opening well; base slaty black and white; 19 inches; May 3, 16 days.

Millet.—Type 2. Large, bold, substance good; 19 inches; May 5, 16 days.

Henner.—Type 1. Form fair, shoulder rounded; 26 inches; May 4, 20 days.

W.Roberts.—Type 1. Small, outer segments reflexed; 20 inches; May 4, 17 days.

Paris.—Type 1. Medium size, good substance; the white ring around the base is reduced to two white blotches on the margins of each segment; 24 inches; May 3, 17 days.

Schiller.—Type 2. Somewhat egg-shaped; 24 inches; May 5, 19 days.

Michael Angelo.—Type 2. Square in contour, opening well; 29 inches; May 4, 17 days.

Eclipse.—Type 1. Medium size, opens well, colour good; 28 inches; May 3, 20 days.

King Harold.—Type 2. Medium size, opens well, dull outside; 27 inches; May 5, 19 days.

Donders.—Type 1. Form and substance good, opens well; 28 inches . April 30, 21 days.

Hecla.—Type 1. Colour very deep; 27 inches; May 4, 17 days.

Alphonse Daudet.—Type 2. Form fair, shoulder rounded, opens well, colour very deep; 33 inches; May 6, 18 days.

Allard Pierson.—Type 1. Long, egg-shaped, open segments; 27 inches; April 30, 20 days.

Fontanelle.—Type 2. Form good, colour good; 28 inches; May6, 20 days.

Mahony = King Harold, q.v.

Tiberius Winkler = King Harold, q.v.

j. Flower maroon-black.
Type, Fra Angelico.

This section is composed of flowers which fall into three types, according to their bases. There is one exception.

(1) Base circular, blue. (Fig. 18.)
(2) Base circular, blue except that each blotch has a broad streak on the margin of each segment, sometimes faintly tinged with yellow. (Fig. 14.)
(3) Base white, with a large dark blue to blue-black blotch on each segment (Fig. 16), outside white.
Filaments black, sometimes blue-black.

This and the following section include the ' black ' Tulips, and, although the grouping is at first sight arbitrary, it has been found that any variety from section j will clash with one from section k, but all plants within each section will harmonize with one another. The flowers of these two sections are generally early.

Gipsy Queen.—Type 2. Large, long; filaments blue above the middle; 27 inches; May 3, 18 days.

Herschell.—Type 3. Large, outer segments reflexed; base large; 30 inches; May 3, 15 days.

Peter Barr.—Type 1. Rather small; 28 inches; May 7, 17 days.

Souvenir.—Type 2. 26 inches; May 3, 17 days.

Decamps.—Type 2. Filaments blue above the middle; 25 inches; May 3, 17 days.

Arizona.—Type 1. Substance good; outer segments reflexed, paler at their margins; 27 inches; May 8, 12 days.

Fantasy.—Type 2. Outer segments reflexed; 25 inches; May 3, 17 days.

Bathurst.—Type 2. 20 inches; May 3, 17 days.

Andrea Doria.—Type 1. Form good; short cup; shoulder rounded; 32 inches; May 6, 18 days.

Ebony.—Type 2. Form good, opens well; base tinged with yellow; 23 inches; May 4, 17 days.

Black Knight.—Type 1. Form good, long, shoulder rounded 5 base slaty blue; 25 inches; May 3, 17 days.

Mystery.—Type 1. Large, short cup, shoulder rounded; 23 inches; May 4, 17 jiays.

Night.—Type 2. Large, long; filaments blackish in the upper part; 30 inches; May 13, 17 days.

Philippe de Comines.—Type 2. Long, shoulder rounded, sub- stance good; 30 inches; April 30, 18 days.

Auber.—Type 3. Long, form and substance good; outer segments reflexed; 29 inches; May 3, 20 days. (Fig. 16.)

Zanzibar.—Type 2. Form good, long, opens well; base slaty blue; 26 inches; May 3, 18 days.

J. Reynalt.—Type 2. Large, of the form and colour of 'Zanzibar,' substance good; 31 inches; May 15, 15 days.

Negro.—Medium size, short, opens wide; base tinged with yellow I 23 inches; May 4, 17 days.

Uncle Tom.—Type 2. Long; 37 inches; May 8, 13 days.

Kepler.—Type 2. Outer segments reflexed; base stained yellow; 25 inches; May 6, 14 days.

Dandolo.—Type 2. Form good, long, substance good, colour rich, glossy; 19 inches; April 29, 20 days.

Fra Angelico.—Type 2. Fine cup-shape, opens well, colour rich, glossy; 26 inches; April 29, 20 days.

A. M. Van der Schoot = Negro.

k. Flower purple-black.
Type, Zulu.

The flowers of this section have scarcely visible blue bases with white segment margins. Filaments black or blue above the middle.

Faust.—Large, form good; colour rich, with a striking metallic sheen; 31 inches; April 29, 20 days.

Van Jehring.—Rather dull; 25 inches; April 30, 19 days.

Johanna Matilda.—Base dull; 27 inches; April 30, 20 days.

La Tulipe Noire.—Form and substance good, short, opening well; base slightly streaked with yellow; filaments black; 24 inches; May 5, 17 days.

Zulu.—Of medium size, pointed; good substance; base has a white triangle around the ovary; 31 inches; May 5, 20 days.

Leonardo da Vinci.—Cup-shape, shoulder rounded; 27 inches; April 30, 20 days.

Negerfurst.—Small; 13 inches; May 5, 15 days.

Othello.—Form good, cup-shape; base tinged with yellow; filaments black; 31 inches; April 30, 20 days.

The Sultan.—Form good; colour very deep; 27 inches; May 4, 17 days.

Joseph Israels = The Sultan.

Ravenswin = Faust.

l. Flower purple.
Type, Marconi.

The flowers of this section have rounded shoulders, and fall into two types, according to their bases:—

(1) Base circular, blue, with a white region as represen ted in Fig. 15.
(2) Base more or less circular, blue, except that each blotch has a streak of white along the margins of each segment. (Fig. 14.) Fila- ments more or less blue.

Mme. Beynat.—Type 1. Small, opening wide; filaments tinged blue. (Fired.)

G. de Salelle.—Type 1. Small; base streaky blue; filaments violet-black; 21 inches; May 5, 16 days.

Viola.—Type 1. Large, form and substance good; shoulder rounded; flushed red outside; 25 inches; May 3, 18 days.

Maneau.—Large, outer segments reflexed; base large, circular, white; 27 inches; May 3, 18 days.

Vulcan.—Type 1. Of medium size; 19 inches; May 3, 17 days.

Marconi.— Type 1. Large, of fine form and substance, opening well; base very distinct and striking; 30 inches; May 4, 20 days.

Courbet.—Type 1. Form and substance fair; 23 inches; May 4, 16 days.

Gryphus.—Type 1. Form and substance good; base stained yellow; 34 inches; May 6, 15 days.

Raphael.—Type 1. Large, of good form; base tinged with yellow; 27 inches; May 3, 17 days.

Gigli.—Type 1. Small, of poor form; 16 inches; May 3, 16 days.

Sir Trevor Lawrence.—Type 1. Large, form and substance good; shoulder square; filaments white; 34 inches; May 3, 21 days.

Rev. Wolley-Dod.—Type 2. Of moderate form and substance; 24 inches; May 6, 18 days.

Frans Hals.—Type 2. Form and substance good; colour very bright outside; 28 inches; April 30, 20 days.

Paul Baudry.—Type 2. Medium size, of good form and substance, opening well; 24 inches; May 3, 21 days.

St. Simon.—Type 2. Of medium size, somewhat pointed, flushed with red outside; 27 inches; May 3, 16 days.

Giant.—Type 2. Plant very robust; flower large, of fair form; filaments pale blue; 31 inches; May 3, 17 days.

Maugeron.—Type 2. Small; outer segments somewhat reflexed; 29 inches; May 5, 20 days.

Anton de Вагу.—Type 2. Of medium size; filaments deep blue; 31 inches; May 10, 15 days.

La Victoire.—Type 1. Small; 26 inches; May 10, 15 days.

Goliath = Giant.

m. Flower violet-purple.
Type, The Bishop.

The flowers of this section fall into two types, (1) and (2) according to their bases, as in section l.

Jubilee.—Type 1. Form good, substance fair; 24 inches; May 4, 17 days.

New York.—Type 1. Of medium size and fair form'; base slightly stained with yellow; filaments pale blue; 25 inches; May 3, 16 days.

The Bishop.—Type 2. Form and^substance good; base small, dull; 29 inches; May 6, 18 days.

Geefs.—Type 1. Of medium size, opens well; filaments white; 28 inches; May 4, 20 days.

Moralis.—Type 1. A bold, shapely flower; base creamy, streaked with blue, especially on the outer segments; 34 inches; May 5, 19 days.

Vespuccio.—Type 2. Form fgood,^shoulder] rounded; filaments tinged blue; 29 inches; May 3, 17 days.

Viking.—Type 2. Large, good substance and fine colour; filaments tinged blue; 30 inches; May 6, 15 days.

Pierre Loti.—Type 2. Form good, opens well; filaments tinged blue; 23 inches; May 3, 17 days.

Sybil.—Type 2. Small, form fair; filaments tinged blue; 26 inches; May 3, 16 days.

Professor Balfour.—Type 1. Of medium size, colour rather dull; filaments tinged blue; 25 inches; May 10, n days.

Professor McOwan.—Type 1. A rounded flower of fair size and substance; 30 inches; May 5, 16 days.

Prins Maurits.—Type 2. Large; base clear blue; filaments bluish; 24 inches; May 3, 18 days.

Greuze.—Type 2. Outer segments saccate at base; filaments black; 27 inches; May 3, 16 days.

Valentin.—Type 2. A robust plant; flower early, large, opening well; colour light but good; filaments blue above the middle; 35 inches; April 29, 20 days.

Colonist.—Type 2. Form and substance good; base very pale blue; 34 inches; May 7, 20 days.

Marie = Valentin.

n. Flower rosy purple.
Type, Mrs. Potter Palmer.

The flowers of this section fall into two types (1) and (2), according to their bases, as in section l.

Bettelini.—Type 1. Small, colour streaky; 25 inches; May 3, 16 days.

Charles H. Morot.—Type 1. Long, shoulder rounded; filaments blackish above the middle; 25 inches; May 3, 17 days.

Colonel Astor.—Type 1. Large, of good form; base rather creamy; 31 inches; May 2, 16 days.

Cordelia.—Type 1. Small, outer segments reflexed; 28 inches; May 3, 16 days.

Gluck.—Type 1. Filaments blue-grey; 24 inches; May 4, 17 days.

Lord Hertford.—Type 1. Form and substance good; 31 inches; May 8, 16 days.

Palissa.—Type 1. Form and substance good; 27 inches; May 5, 17 days.

Valère.—Type 1. Large, form good; shaded with copper on the inside. (Conf.)

Adrian Baillet,—Type 2. Form fair, colour deep and dull; base indistinct; filaments blue; 27 inches; May 7, 17 days.

Mme. Virnot.—Form fair, substance good; base distinct white, with a blue streak on the margins of each blotch; filaments pale blue; 25 inches; May 3, 20 days.

Mrs. Potter Palmer.—Type 2. Medium size, form and substance good; outer segments reflexed when old, and having an almost orange blotch; 31 inches; May 6, 15 days.

Monaco.—Type 2. Form and substance fair, colour dull; base irregular; filaments black above the middle; 22 inches; May 3, 17 days.

Fashion = Mrs. Potter Palmer, q.v.

Mr. D. T. Fish = Mrs. Potter Palmer, q.v.

Willem III. = Mme. Virnot, q.v.

о. Flower rosy lilac.
Type, Ascanio.

The flowers of this section have well-marked square shoulders (Fig. 19). The majority, especially those of the redder shades, have a paler margin to their segments. They fall into three types, according to their bases and their filaments.

(1) Base white, of the form represented in Fig. 20; filaments white.
(2) Base white, of the form represented in Fig. 15, with a narrow blue margin; filaments usually tinged with blue.
(3) Base blue, with white margins (Fig. 14); filaments blue.

Mariette Barrois.—Type 1. Form fair, substance good; midrib distinct; segments paler at the margins; 29 inches; May 6, 18 days.

Acaste.—Type 1. Substance good; segments paler at the margins, midrib distinct, outer reflexed; 31 inches; May 6,18 days.

Victorine.—Type 1. Form and substance poor; segments paler at margin; 26 inches; May 6, 15 days.

Penelope.—Type 1. Form fair, substance good, deeply flushed with rose; 28 inches; May 4, 19 days.

Lazzaro Peppo.—Type 1. Medium size, substance good, heavily flushed rose; outer segments spreading; 32 inches; May 8, 20 days.

Lilaceus.—Type 1. Large, dull inside; 24 inches; May 8, 16 days.

Mommsen.—Type 1. Cup-shape, large; segments somewhat pointed, paler at the margins; base tinged with blue; filaments light blue; 27 inches; May 3, 17 days.

Professor Trelease.—Type 1. Cup-shape, large; segments pale at the margins and very pale outside; 31 inches; April 30, 20 days.

Livingstone.—Type 1. Inferior in form, but similar in colour to ' Professor Trelease '; 25 inches; May 15, 14 days.

Edouard André.—Type 1. Large; deeply coloured, paler at the margins of the segments; base slightly tinged blue; 27 inches; May 3, 16 days.

Caesar.—Type 1. Medium size, form fair, colour deep. (Conf.)

Giotto.—Type 1. Small, of good form and substance, colour deep, flushed inside with copper; 28 inches; May 15, 14 days.

Van Zompel.—Type 1. Large, of fair form and substance, colour deep; 27 inches; May 8, 20 days.

Euterpe.—Type 2. Form and substance good, paler at segment margins; 29 inches; May 5, 15 days.

Virginia.—Type 2. Large, opens wide; 30 inches; May 6, 18 days.

Berthelot.—Type 2. Short, medium size; base creamy; 27 inches; May 3, 21 days.

Monseigneur Bottemanni.—Type 2. Medium size, rosy inside, paler at segment margins; 26 inches; May 6, 18 days.

Sealand.—Rounded; 28 inches; May 6, 13 days.

Violet King.—Type 1. Form and substance fair, opens well; base has slight blue blotches around the ovary; 29 inches; May 4, 15 days.

Pygmalion.—Long, of good form and substance; 24 inches; May 6, 15 days.

Besronia del Foré.—Type 2. 22 inches; May 3, 16 days.

Joas.—Type 2. Medium size, substance good; base blotched with blue around the ovary, outer segments spreading; 29 inches; May 7, 15 days.

Dal Ongaro.—Type 2. Medium size; 26 inches; May 10, 16 days.

Attraction.—Type 2. Base tinged yellow; 24 inches; May 6, 18 days.

Gipsy.—Type 2. 30 inches . May 5, 15 days.

Ascanio.—Type 2. Form good; segment margins paler, outer segments spreading; base small; 31 inches; May 6, 18 days.

Mr. Dettmann.—Type 3. 19 inches; May 8, 12 days.

Barbara.—Type 3. Large, form good, shoulder rounded 5 stem rather slender; 30 inches; May 15, 15 days.

Marquise d'Argenson.—Type 3. Form and substance fair, colour dull, outer segments spreading; 22 inches; May 5, 14 days.

Louisiana.—Type 3. Form and substance fair, redder at apex of each segment; 23 inches; May 4, 20 days.

Hippolyta.—Type 3. Form and substance fair, outside flushed red, outer segments spreading; base clearly defined; 28 inches; May 5, 19 days.

Sybilla Merian.—Type 3. Form and substance good; segments reddish at apex • 25 inches; May 3, 16 days.

Vermont.—Type 3. Large, rounded, substance fair; 32 inches; May 3, 18 days.

Blue Bird = Gipsy, q.v.

D. Bois = Ascánio, q.v.

Louis Lenglart = Louisiana, q.v.

Mark Twain = Mariette Barrois, q.v.

p. Flower lilac.
Type, Erguste.

The flowers of this section fall into three types, (1), (2), and (3), according to their bases, as in Section o, but in (2) the base is somewhat rounded, approximating to the intermediate condition between the forms represented in Figs. 15 and 17.

Claude Monet.—Type 1. Fair substance, dull; 20 inches • May 6, 15 days.

Lioba.—Type 1. Large, form and substance good; 29 inches; May 3, 18 days.

Anton Mauve.—Type 1. Form good, substance good; scorches badly; base dull; 25 inches • April 30, 20 days.

John Malcolm.—Type 1. Large, fair substance; base creamy; 29 inches; May 3, 17 days.

Erguste.—Type 1. Form elegant, good; colour bright and clear; base clearly defined, quite clean; 25 inches; April 30,19 days.

Corot.—Type 2. Form good, substance fair, opening wide; colour clear, flaked with a reddish shade; 27 inches; May 3, 16 days.

Eugène Delacroix.—Type 2. Base dull; 29 inches; April 30, 20 days.

Dream.—Type 2. Round; 27 inches; May 7, 12 days.

Melicette.—Type 3. Form cup-shape, good, substance fair base tinged green near the ovary; 27 inches; May 4, 18 days.

Agneta.—Type 3. Form and substance fair, paler outside • outer segments spreading; 31 inches; May 6, 18 days.

Rev. H. Ewbank.—Type 3. Form good; colour clear, but pale and dusty at the segment margins; base dull; 25 inches; April 30, 20 days.

Bleu Aimable.—Type 3. Form and substance good, spreading; base bright blue; 30 inches; May 5, 17 days. (Fig. 19.)

Crépuscule.—Type 3. Rounded, large; base large, diffuse; 22 inches; May 6, 14 days.

Rêve de Jeunesse = Dream.

q. Flower lilac, with a lighter edge.
Type, Electra.

The flowers of this section are usually small; their bases are indeterminate, and will be dealt with individually in the descriptions.

Nora Ware.—Small to medium size, substance good, colour clear ¡ base white, with a bluish ring; 27 inches; May 5, 21 days.

Electra.—Cup-shape, very regular in outline; base white, extensive; 25 inches; May 3, 17 days.

Mauve Clair.—Form and substance good, shoulder very square; base blue, with white blotches; 30 inches; May 6, 18 days.

Lantern.—Rounded, pale, with a reddish blotch at the apex of each outer segment; base circular, white; filaments blue at apex; 24 inches; May 8, 16 days.

Dorothy.—Substance fair, rarely opening, pale pinkish lilac; base circular, white, with greyish blotches around the ovary; 23 inches; May 8, 16 days.

Circe.—Smaller than, but otherwise resembling ' Dorothy '; outer segments spreading; base large, white. (Conf.)

Blushing Bride.—Form and substance fair, very slightly tinged lilac; outer segments spreading; base large; 19 inches; May 4, 16 days.

Marie de Gournay.—Smaller and more open, but otherwise very like ' Dorothy '; 20 inches; May 7, 14 days.

Gudin.—Smaller than ' Mauve Clair '; 27 inches • May 7, 17 days.

Paul Eudel.—Egg-shape, blue at the back of the lower part of the segments; base circular, white or creamy white; 27 inches; May 8, 16 days.

Beulah.—Form and substance fair, outer segments reflexed; colour dull, deep on the tips of the segments, flushed inside with copper colour; base large, white, of the form in Fig. 20; 20 inches; May 6, 16 days.

Wally Moes.—Cup shape, form and colour good; base white, of the form in Fig. 20; 23 inches; May 5, 15 days.

Nymph.—Small, tinged clear pinkish lilac, outer segments greenish at the tip; base small, white, of the form in Fig. 20; 25 inches; May 10, 14 days.

Fille Chérie = Mauve Clair, q.v.

Le Petit Blondin = Lantern, q.v.

Ma Fille Chérie = Mauve Clair, q.v.

Nizza = Lantern, q.v.

r. Flower blush.
Type, Margaret.

The flowers of this section fall into two types, according to their bases:

(1) Base circular, white, as that represented in Fig. 20 when the colour is distinct.
(2) Where the colour is merely flushed there are no definite base markings.

Where not otherwise stated the colour is pink.

Reine Wilhelmine.—Type 1. Form good, flush deeper than most of this class; base irregular, tinged with yellow around ovary; filaments tinged yellow; 25 inches; May 5, 16 days.

Phyllis.—Type 1. Somewhat pointed, not opening well, flush deep inside; base circular, white; filaments white; 26 inches; May 6, 18 days.

Kate Greenaway.—Type 2. Form and substance fair; inside flushed with pale pinkish lilac, outside has a creamy beam speckled with reddish purple at its apex; base blotched with blue around the ovary; 26 inches; May 10, 16 days.

Amazone.—Type 2. Cup-shape, very pale violet-pink inside, outside almost white, pink at the apex of each segment; 22 inches; May 3, 17 days.

Angelina.—Type 2. Dull, tinged copper colour inside; 27 inches; May 3, 17 days.

Rose Gem.—Type 1. Form fair, very pale at segment margins; base creamy; 24 inches; May 8, 12 days.

Mrs. Cleveland.—Type 1. Small, fair substance; base white, ringed with faint blue; 27 inches; May 6, 15 days.

Zephyr.—Type 2. Long, rounded shoulder, lilac-pink flush; base streaked and ringed with blue around the ovary; filaments bluish; fragrant; 26 inches; April 29, 20 days.

Margaret.—Type 1. Rounded; clear pale pink; base white, ringed with faint blue; 26 inches; May 6,18 days.

White Queen.—Type 2. Form and substance good; the palest Darwin in commerce; 29 inches; May 7, 18 days.

Painted Lady.—Type 2. Form and substance good; white, slightly flushed with lilac-pink, deeper at segment tips; filaments deep blue; stem purplish; 33 inches; May 6, 18 days.

L'Ingénue.—Type 1. Large, form good, rounded; base ringed and streaked with very pale blue; 29 inches; May 6, 15 days.

Wedding Veil.—Type 2. Small, form and substance fair, flushed pale rose-purple; 26 inches; May 5, 16 days.

Thérèse Schwartz.—Type 1. Small, rounded, fair substance; 24 inches; May 6, 18 days.

Princess Olga..—Type 1. Cup-shape, substance good; filaments blue i 23 inches; May 15, 14 days.

Blanco = Angeline.

Gretchen = Margaret.

La Candeur = White Queen.

Lina Schneider = Phyllis.

s. Flower slaty lilac.
Type, Remembrance.

The flowers of this section fall into two types, according to their bases:

(1) Base of the form represented in Fig. 20, white.
(2) Base circular, blue, each blotch with a white streak along the margin of the segment. (Fig. 14.)
Filaments blue to blue-black.

The flowers of this section have a wash of purplish drab on the inside.

Remembrance.—Type 2. Large, form and substance good; base small; 23 inches; May 3, 20 days.

Oliphant.—Type 1. Large, form and substance good; 32 inches; May 3, 18 days.

Fräulein Amberg.—Type 1. Form good, substance fair, paler at segment margins; 22 inches; April 30, 20 days.

Herzogin von Hohenberg.—Type 1. Form and substance good, dull in colour; 27 inches; May 3, 17 days.

La Tristesse.—Type 1. Form and substance good; basé tinged with yellow and slaty at the margin; 30 inches; May 10, 14 days.

Pensée Amère.—Type 1. Form good, substance fair, paler at segment margins; 29 inches; May 6, 21 days.

Robert Lindsay.—Type 2. Reddish outside; base very sharply defined; 23 inches; May 6, 18 days.

Ronald Gunn.—Type 2. Form and substance good, dusky; 25 inches; May 4, 20 days.

Corydon.—Small, outer segments spreading; 24 inches; Aprimo, 19 days.

Dolores = La Tristesse, q.v.

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